
Mittwoch, 10. November 2010

Life of course-natural health and skin care

Contemporary lifestyle leaves us open to a daily chemical attack, from the air we breathe to the water we drink, and the skin care and hair care products we use on a daily basis. It is not known what the long-term effects of these chemicals will be, but one thing is for sure, it may not be good.

Some people are not aware of the huge quantities of additives in their food, water and personal care products. some are busy to worry, and others have the attitude "Yes I know, it's awful, but what can you do?"

The well balanced, sensible people there shall, however, take a different view. Any species not to live in harmony with the natural environment will eventually make itself extinct.Fact. it is nature. If the man on the way they are, she will ultimately become extinct

For example, influence 100 years ago, cancer at about 1 in every 50 people. it seems now 1 in 3. it won't be long before striking is the half of the population. It doesn't take a genius to realize that our lifestyle is the biggest factor that this increase to influence.

Diet is especially crucial when it comes to maintaining good health, but so many people ignore this fact and fill their body (and their children) with low-nutrients, chemical and additive-filled set.

When people eat meat, they consume the same chemicals and hormones that the animal ate. Obesity is on the strongly increased, and it is not surprising given that most obese people meat-eaters. They eat the meat, the meat is full of growth hormones and chemicals, growth hormones are included in the human body, so that the person gets thicker. My advice-want if you're overweight and are serious about weight loss – go on a low fat vegetarian diet.

If your body had a choice, it would be for a lot of fresh organic fruits and vegetables, preferably raw questions. Your body would be clean, fresh water (I mean pure bottled water, not the stuff that comes out of your faucet at home). Think about how much fresh water you consume in a day, and by that I mean water thats not mixed with squash, tea, coffee or something else. I bet it's not much. Do your body a favor, the next time you for the carbonated beverage, range for the mineral water instead.

Tap water is just another way that we are poisoned on a daily basis. It contains chemicals, hormones and in many areas also contains fluoride. Yes, sodium fluoride, that old favorite.The things they put in toothpaste is the same material that they use to rat-poison! Surprised. What people get confused about calcium fluoride, which is the stuff of naturally in water helps keep our teeth and bones strong. People think that this is what is happening in toothpaste and the water supply, wrong.

Sodium fluoride is a byproduct of aluminium smelters and other industries.It is nothing more than toxic waste. for many years that it was very expensive to dispose, until someone decided to make up some crap about the good of our teeth, so they can get away with removal of the in our water supply. Of course, this was done without public agreement.Nice, thanks for that, I'll stick to the bottled stuff.

Sodium fluoride builds in the body over time, and it can lead to cancer. It makes bones soften so they break easier, and it's not your teeth to protect, in fact has the opposite effect.Sodium fluoride is a main ingredient in both anesthesia hypnotic and psychiatric drugs as military nerve gas.

Sodium fluoride promotes mental disorders.The Nazis added to the water supply in the concentration camps during the war, to help sterilizing the prisoners and force them to calm and submissive.

Sodium fluoride has a toxic and narcotic effect on a particular area of the brain, causing the person submissive and less able to resist those who want to check him. it is a way of verifying the masses.Hmmm, makes you wonder what the Government have in mind for us today ...

If we look at the skin care and hair care products we use every day, most contain sodium sulfate laurier (or laureth).This is a foaming agent that is so hard that it was first used as engine degreaser!Fancy that washing your skin and hair in something hard enough to strip oil of a garage floor.No wonder we are all but a fortune on hydration. Hmmm, I'm just paranoid or do you think there could be a method to their madness ...

So they these SLS in your shampoo, shower gel, bath foam, toothpaste, etc., and then Moisturizing ingredients to the same products to the drying effects of the SLS Add. why not just buy products without SLS? that's what the smart people are doing. that's what I do.

Since I stopped using commercial shampoos and skin care products, and switched to all natural, herbal skin care products, and natural hair care products, are my skin and hair beautifully. my hair that was ever frizzy hair and hair is curly and shiny now.

Since I started using organic, aromatherapy based skin care, my skin that ever so shiny off all fat and additives was from my previous moisturizes, is now so soft, much younger looking, and I don't need powder or Foundation, because my skin is great!

I use non-fluoride toothpaste, and I take vitamin and mineral supplements every day I eat always fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, and I always drink bottled, pure water. I am vegetarian, so I eat a very natural, low fat diet, which is full of nutrients. I have never felt so healthy.

If you set the value of your body, your health and your life, as well as your children and other loved ones, are your it to yourself to change your lifestyle now and start living more natural.

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