
Montag, 14. September 2009

Laser Facial Hair Removal Methods

Laser facial hair removal - could this treatment be the "silver bullet" that finally allows women to successfully solve the problem of unwanted facial hair? Laser is one of only two treatments (the other method being electrolysis) that can give lasting relief from unwanted facial hair growth.

In past years many women could get only short lived relief using a variety of facial hair removal treatments such as waxing, depilatory creams or shaving. Of these removal methods, shaving the face is perhaps the most undesirable for women. Not only does it typically have to be done every day, the resulting re-growth has an offensive stubbly feel which can make many women very self-conscious about anyone touching their face, in addition to suffering the embarrassing "5 o'clock shadow" look.

Electrolysis facial hair removal is the alternate lasting process used by dermatologists and beauticians to deal with female facial hair; it is suitable if there are only a sparse number of hairs to deal with, while facial laser hair removal can effectively clear large areas of the face.

Often a few visible hairs that remain after largely successful treatment with facial laser hair removal can be removed using electrolysis, delivering the final touches that the woman feels she requires to be totally satisfied with her new silky-smooth facial skin.

Side Effects
Dangerous facial hair removal side effects from laser treatment are luckily infrequent; a large proportion of women experience redness after facial laser hair removal but this should settle down within a few days at the outside. If you feel self-conscious about this, it is recommended to have the treatment carried out on a Friday and / or to take a day or two off work for some privacy. It is, however, perfectly OK to use makeup after the treatment.

Laser hair removal cost
A lot of women who are suffering unwanted facial hair problems will view the monetary cost of a solution to be an investment they will happily make if it fixes their problem for good. Home facial hair removal using waxing methods or depilatory creams will probably add up to more than the cost of laser hair removal in the long term.

Example costs in the US can vary from state to state, for instance for the full face one might anticipate spending anywhere between $250 and $600 per therapy session (and you will probably need 6 of these sessions) - depending among other things on how much growth is present. For an upper lip therapy, one might anticipate spending around $25 - $100 for a single therapy session.

Can I Get I Permanent Solution to My Problem?
Under normal circumstances, laser removal can provide a lasting solution by "killing" a significant proportion of the follicles or roots under the skin. The results will not give a 100% clearance but should provide relief by preventing most of the growth; the remaining regrowth should be visibly weaker, thinner and paler.

Female Hirsutism - The Causes
Female facial hair can be triggered by a hormonal imbalance, often related to a disorder such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), when the extra growth is termed PCOS hirsutism. It is therefore crucial to rule out and if appropriate treat any hormonal imbalance prior to undergoing any invasive treatment, otherwise the hormonal imbalance may just cause immediate regrowth.

If you are a woman with unwanted facial hair, you owe it to yourself to find a permanent solution - and facial laser hair removal can provide just that.

Ingrid Preube

Posted via email from Beauty Blog

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