
Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2009

Loosing Weight While Sleeping ?

By Zigfred Diaz

Many people who try to lose weight either do it positively by exercising and active lifestyle or negatively by dieting oneself to almost suicidal degrees. These two types of methods have been practiced for so long that the line between profitable methods and insane ones have become so blurred.

Yet, when the most effective of proven methods of weight loss just does not work then we find ourselves wondering what went wrong. In many cases, however, it is just a matter of going back to the basics and that is quality sleep. You heard it right, quality sleep.

Before you make any conclusions, I would like to make it clear that I am neither a physician nor a health expert. However, what I would like to emphasize is that scientific studies have shown that depriving oneself of quality sleep increases ones chances of becoming an obese. But before you can grasp the science behind this method one has to understand the hormones Leptin and Ghrelin. These are two of the hormones which our bodies produce.

Appetite, metabolism and the burning of calories are all regulated by the hormone leptine. Some of its responsibilities include dictating our body's burning of calorie and when to make energy for consumption. While sleeping, our body produces more leptine and this increase of production tells our body that there is enough energy. Because the body feels it has enough energy, it does not feel hungry and it continues to burn calories. However, leptin decreases when one does not get enough quality sleep. Thus the decrease in production tells the body that there is not enough energy, which makes it hungry, even though it does not need food, and burn fewer calories. The unused and excess calories are then stored in the body as fat. So insufficient leptin makes one feel hungry, even when full, and slows down the burning of calories.

While the leptin tells our body when to be hungry and when to burn calories, gherlin on the other hand tells the body when it is ready to eat, when to stop burning calories and when to stock energy as fat. While sleeping the production of Gherlin decreases but as soon as a person deprives himself of quality sleep gherlin's production increases. The increase of ghrelin becomes a disadvantage because it dictates the body to take in food because it thinks it is hungry and lacks calories, which also makes the body to stop burning calories.

As you can see that in order for hormones to be properly balanced, quality sleep is highly recommended. Though a person needs to sleep for at least 7 to 9 hours, it is not only the duration of the sleep that should be emphasized but more importantly the quality of the sleep itself. Quality sleep would usually means that a person is in a deep REM sleep. The advantages of a deep REM sleep are increase muscle endurance, gaining of weight, boosting up of energy and weight loss. For those who have a hard time getting into a deep REM sleep, try inquiring about Stemulite, a formula that could probable get you into a deep REM sleep.

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