
Montag, 25. Januar 2010

Best Poison Ivy Remedies Available In the Market

By Olivia Gold

Poison Ivy is also known by its scientific name which is Toxicodendron radicans. It is a plant which falls under the category of Anacardiaceae and it is not a true Ivy plant. You must know that it is a dangerous plant because it produces a skin irritant which is known as urushiol. Most people suffer from irritation and rashes if they come in contact with this woody vine plant. The irritation that is produced due to urushiol is called urushiol-induced contact dermatitis.

If you want to avoid coming close to this plant then it is highly essential for you to recognize this plant. This plant can cause you great discomfort and pain. In this article, my main focus would be to tell you about some very essential remedies that are available for Poison Ivy.

1. Use of the Calamine lotion

If you are suffering from irritation and rashes caused by the Poison Ivy then it would be best for you to use the Calamine lotion. This product can be very expensive but it gives you great results in just few hours. Urushiol comes into contact with the human skin and causes various burns and blisters on the skin layer. This liquid will cause rashes and would create a burning and itching sensation. Calamine lotion would peel away the dead skin and would provide you relief quickly.

2. Use warm water

Warm water can be another cure for the skin that is suffering from blisters and rashes caused by Poison Ivy. If you have come into contact with this plant then you should immediately put the affected area of your body in warm water. Do not ever use cold water for this treatment. Use the warm water until and unless your skin has healed. If you are using warm water then you do not even require any creams or lotions.

3. Blow dry the affected area

If you want to get quick relief from irritation and rashes then you should try using a blow dryer. Set the dryer on a low setting and blow the warm air against the affected skin area. This would surely eliminate and dry out the damaged skin area.

4. Use of baking soda

The itching and the blistering action of the poison Ivy can greatly be reduced with the help of the baking soda. Baking soda can extract out all the poison out from your skin.

Well these are some brilliant methods that you must surely use if you are suffering from irritation and rashes.

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