
Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010

IBS Symptoms: Irritable Bowel Symptoms

By Runal Keronil

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a very common medical disorder plaguing many people " both men and women alike. The sometimes excruciating symptoms of gas, bloating, abdominal cramping, constipation, and diarrhea " or sometimes alternating periods of both, often make the IBS victim unwilling to seek the advice of a health care professional for IBS relief. Often times, doctors will dismiss IBS symptoms as being nervous stomachs or misdiagnosis them as a stomach bug, prompting unneeded antibiotic treatment. Other doctors still believe IBS is in the head, a manifestation of psychological illness. But no matter is causing your IBS pain and discomfort, IBS sufferers need real IBS relief.
In our current age of high stress careers and long work days, its no wonder doctors believe as many as one in five Americans sufferer from IBS. Yet, stress is only one theory as to how weve become a population suffering from IBS. Other popular theories include diet, gender, and illness.
Diets in whole grains, high in fiber, fruit, and low in fats provide some IBS sufferers ample IBS relief without the use of supplements or prescription medication. Foods that contain caffeine, like coffee and chocolate, should be avoided by IBS sufferers because they can over stimulate the lining of their colons and produce excess bloating, gas, and cramps. Those prone to diarrhea may find an increase in this symptom after caffeine consumption. Caffeine is a stimulate and not good for promoting IBS relief. Also sufferers with allergies to any food " in particular wheat, egg, and dairy, should limit or avoid foods containing these ingredients. These foods hinder IBS relief by aggravating the lining of the colon just as caffeine does. Alcohol should be avoided, as well.
Women are more likely to suffer from IBS than men. Scientific studies show female hormonal changes may play a role in this factor. There may be strong evidence to this since women with IBS tend to report exacerbations during their menstrual cycles, and also feel a stronger need to seek out IBS relief. Even men, though, can experience exacerbations in their IBS symptoms along with women when sick with intestinal illnesses and other sicknesses that bring the immune system down.
There are numerous remedies that can be used, both medically and homeopathically, that can help to bring sufferers IBS relief. Daily fiber supplements are a popular form of treatment, helping to provide bulk in the colon. These supplements can be taken in pill form or as a tasteless and odorless powder added to a glass of water. For IBS sufferers the added fiber may help reduce cramps, bloating, and constipation and provide enough ample IBS relief that they wont need to pursue further remedies. Some IBS sufferers have to dramatically change their diet to eliminate all gas producing foods while others resort to prescription medication.
Some IBS sufferers have turned to Bavolex " a natural remedy IBS relief, and found herbal relief.

While spastic colon is often used interchangeably with IBS, the two are not always identical. Spastic colon can sometimes be caused by a virus or the use of antibiotics. If this is the case, the condition is typically resolved within a matter of months. IBS-related spastic colon, however, tends to be long-term and requires some form of treatment and lifestyle changes to alleviate the pain and discomfort.

These studies have lead to the formulation of Bavolex. It contains plant enzymes and extracts designed to help Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This amazing formula stops constipation and bloating. It improves digestion and calms the nervous condition the person suffers from. What is it exactly that Bavolex contains?

When it comes to medical treatment for spastic colon, Bavolex offers gentle, doctor-recommended relief. Using healthy ingredients found in nature, Bavolex can stop diarrhea, constipation, cramps and gas; improve digestion; calm the nervous system; and reduce stressful and anxious feelings.

Reducing stress in your life, eating smaller meals, regular exercise such as walking or yoga, and adequate sleep improve this disorder. Increasing fiber in the diet and drinking more water is another way to help the situation. For some patients a natural remedy may be the only medication needed to help. For centuries natural remedies from herbs and plants were used in Asia and Europe to treat nervous stomach and problems in the intestine.

If you suffer from constant attacks of constipation, diarrhea, or both you're not alone. If these symptoms occur frequently around potentially stressful situations; you probably have a condition named Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome attacks many around the world, and oddly more women than men are affected. For all those who can relate to these frequent and often life interrupting symptoms, they only want to hear that there is a cure for IBS. There are many who have had this disease dictate the actions of their entire life. However, when they go to their doctor hoping that this visit will yield an IBS cure, they usually receive a long drawn out dissertation on the history of the disease, a few over the counter stomach ache medicines that might help, and a prescription for an anti-anxiety medicine. Instead of an IBS cure, these patients receive a drug that they will no doubt become dependent on and often still have the same symptoms. Often times, people with IBS spend a lot of money and time looking for answers from multiple doctors and technicians. If you are like many of these sufferes, you might have received some releife, but the disease is far from cured or gone. However, there is an IBS cure made of natural supplements available from Bavolex.
There are three types of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The first type is characterized with persistent diarrhea. The second type comes with painful constipation. The third, and many see as the worse, comes with both diarrhea and constipation. All three of these types are horrible, and all suffers are looking for that mythic IBS cure. What doctors don't tell you though are that all of these types of IBS are triggered by stress. This could be stress at work, stress with a relationship, or even certain types of foods and drink. Because of the food and drink connection, many did not see stress as the reason, but it is possible that these foods and drinks have somehow been linked with stress for the IBS sufferer, thereby causing them anxiety and then triggering the IBS symptoms. If allowed to continue, IBS can cause bouts of depression and hemorrhoids. With this understanding of what the problem is, now is the time to understand that there is an IBS cure.
Bavolex has used natural ingredients such as chamomile, fennel seed, peppermint, ginger and lemon balm, to name a few, to develop this IBS cure. These natural ingredients do not just treat the triggers, but treats all the problems of IBS. They attack the anxiety trigger, aid in digestion, and prevent the symptoms. Doctors that understand that there are cures other than their synthetic drugs recommend this supplement as an IBS cure. This IBS cure has been proven in numerous clinical and double blind studies. Therefore, if you're suffering and wishing there was an IBS cure, Bavolex has the answer.

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