
Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2010

Weight Loss And Today's Busy You!

By Casy Wigwire

If you're in Solana Beach there are plenty of Solana Beach weight loss system available to help you get on the right track. Before choosing a weight loss solutions or class it's vital that you see your physician. You need to know if your weight problem is from a medical condition, or perhaps you need to start out slowly with your exercise and diet plan. They'll be very supportive concerning your weight loss program, and be able to guide you in the right direction

While the Time article makes several points about the failure of people to achieve weight loss through exercise, one truth shines through: when people exercise, they tend to either (1) reward themselves with food - often fattening food - for their efforts; and (2) exercise makes people hungry, so they are more likely to eat. As quoted in Time, Steven Gortmaker, head of Harvard's Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity, "If you're more physically active, you're going to get hungry and eat more." People who are hoping that will power will save them from gaining weight are likely fooling themselves. According to an article in the journal Psychological Bulletin, psychologists Mark Muraven and Roy Baumeister noted that like a muscle, self-control grows weaker after you use it.

In a 2008 article published in the British Journal of General Practice, the authors hypothesized that given the limited success with any weight loss strategies exemplified by the obesity epidemic, when dieting attempts have failed, it may be better to strive for weight stability. That is, doctors and patients may do better to ensure any weight loss is maintained and to take steps to maintain a person's existing weight without attempting weight loss.

One way to do this is to encourage exercise, which is known to benefit the cardiovascular system, reduce stress, improve mental status, and other overall health benefits. Therefore rather than the pressure to exercise vigorously to lose weight, which has not been successful for many people, the emphasis would be on preventing further weight gain, protecting any weight loss that has occurred, and promoting overall wellness.

You can choose the type of encouragement that you would want with a boot camp program. Some are run in the military style, and others are more positive encouragement types and may include yoga or mind-body training.

So does exercise really help with weight loss? For some people it may; for others, it may be the tool they can use to maintain any weight loss they have already achieved. It certainly has been proven that exercise, separate from helping people lose weight, offers many other crucial health benefits, and if only for that reason, people need to engage in regular, moderate exercise, including walking away from the refrigerator and the fast food restaurants and pushing away from the table.

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