
Donnerstag, 19. November 2009

Stop Hair Loss By Knowing What The Cause

By John Farikani

Men and women around the globe are concerned about thinning hair. Concerns on how to avoid it and how to stop it are as universal as global warming. Here are a few tips on how balding begins and how to stop hair loss. People excessively lose hair due to a variety of reasons. Therefore, finding out the reason for it is just as important as finding the remedy.

One reason that is usually overlooked is poor nutrition. Our hair follicles have receptors which are like the roots of trees. They are responsible for getting the nutrients from our body. Therefore, if we do not healthy, there is no reason for us to expect healthy hair at all. The hair strands become thinner and brittle over time until hair growth stops altogether.

Others shed more hair than usual when under a lot of mental or emotional stress. Therefore, it is best to have a healthy lifestyle. All work and no play will keep the hair away. The same goes for physical stress. For instance, someone whose body goes into shock because of a major operation is expected to lose hair.

Aside from nutrition and stress, hormones also have an important role. Hormonal imbalances, particularly in androgens and estrogen, contribute to hair loss in both men and women alike. A woman, who just gave birth, for instance, is expected to lose hair because of the drop in estrogen levels from the time she was pregnant. An overactive or under-active thyroid gland can also cause excessive loss of hair.

There is one type of androgen, a male hormone, which is known to cause pattern baldness in both genders. However, because it is a male hormone, men are more affected than women are. This androgens called Dihydrotestosterone or DHT. These androgens bind to the hair follicle receptors and slowly form wax-like coverings that wrap the receptors. When this happens, the receptors are no longer to able to get the nutrients it needs; therefore also unable to deliver nutrients to the rest of the hair.

Once you have detected the cause, stop hair loss by addressing the issues. If you need to change your lifestyle, so be it. Accompany this with the right treatment. If you need to, take supplements. There are products that have DHT restrictors. You can apply them topically or take them orally.

Given enough time, proper treatment, combined with an improvement in your diet or lifestyle, should stop hair loss eventually. Now you have a bit of information giving you an understanding of the problem and you can best access yours.

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