
Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2009

How To Tone Up Arms Without All The Misinformation

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Figuring out how to tone up arms can be extremely difficult if your source of advice is questionable. And unfortunately, most information on the internet is questionable. Thus, many women are completely lost when it comes to getting the lean and sexy arms of their dreams.

How do I know? Because I receive an inordinate amount of questions every day that reveal an epidemic of mass confusion.

But please don't blame yourself. After all, a lot of the confusion is created by savvy marketers. With endless products comes endless misinformation.

So without further delay, here are 5 myths on how to tone up arms:

1. Exercising on a daily basis is the best approach. This is a great way to get an overuse injury. Please do not try to do this. After all, once you tweak a tendon or ligament, healing will take a very long time. You body needs proper rest.

2. Both arms should have equal strength. I've never worked with a client who had equal amounts of strength in both arms. Over time, however, the difference will go away. Do not assume that having a stronger arm means something is wrong with you!

3. I should be able to do 15 repetitions for every set in very workout. This will surely lead to arm toning failure! There are no cookie cutter rules here. In fact, you should strive to experiment with a wide variety of repetitions for maximum effect.

4. If I get tired I should stop. Stop if you feel sick, otherwise keep on going. Bear in mind that when you push yourself really hard, your body secretes hormones that incinerate arm fat. There is no other way to get these hormones flowing.

5. Being sore for days after is bad. Not really. It's actually an indication that you had a great workout. Strive to maintain this level of intensity. Over time, levels of soreness will actually decrease.

Figuring out how to tone up arms does not have to be difficult. In fact, if you stay away from all the misinformation out there, it's much easier than you think. And the key here is to apply information immediately. Do not wait until tomorrow!

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