
Montag, 11. Januar 2010

Lose Weight in New Year

By Penny King

New Year come with new targets and resolutions and weight loss in very popular. Supersized Christmas meals, always delayed or even failed previous resolutions and many other reasons may leave you with extra and unwanted pounds. Losing weight isn't unbeatable battle at all in the end.

Tips bellow will be your guide in achieving those weight loss goals in New Year and will help you to remain fit and beautiful all year long giving you extra energy and improving your health.

5 weight loss tips are:

1. Make sure that you drink lots of fluids. Because human body consists of 70% of water help it not to dry out. By drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day you can help your body functioning properly and suppress your appetite same time.

Coffee, tea and juices all contain calories so remember to add those calories to your daily calorie list.

2. Eat smaller meals regularly. Spread your daily calories between 5 meals and not 3 as usual. This will allow you to feel full during all day, keeping you off snacking, and also you won't suffer sugar drops.

Remember to have balanced diet. Ideally eat 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats.

3. Eat only when you are hungry. Occasionally body makes us think that we are hungry but actually we are just thirsty and in these cases try this ... Drink glass of water when you fell hungry and wait for 15 minutes. Hunger should go away. If not then have some fruit and continue sipping water until your next meal.

4. Start workout which is well balanced. Remember that strength exercises will help build more muscle which will burn more fat.

Follow this formula:

- Strength training - 45 minutes, 3 times a week

- Cardio - 30 minutes, 2 times a week or aerobics - 30 minutes, 2 times a week

5. Try to halve your meal portions. No problem to do it if you're cooking at home because you know the ingredients and you can control portion sizes. It can be done when you eat out also; just ask waiter that you want half portions. You may think that it's a waste of money but weight loss gain will be much greater and you can finish your meals with desert.

Start losing weight by following at least one of above tips and in the end of the year you can strike out one resolution from your list.

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