
Freitag, 1. Januar 2010

Six Things To Help You Lose More Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Extreme dietary restriction when learning how to lose arm fat is cardinal sin number one. Despite all the "don't starve yourself" and "eat six meals a day" advice, many women are STILL dieting the dirty way. And most women simply do not know how to change their eating patterns in a healthy and sustainable fashion.

In reality, many of the dirty dieting tactics set women up for devastating failure. Learning how to lose arm fat the right way shouldn't be so painful. Here are 6 must do's so that you don't end up hitting a brick wall:

1. Don't try to burn a crazy amount of calories. You are not the energizer bunny, so please don't spend hours and hours in the gym every day. All your arms need to stop jiggling is a short but hard workout (45min. or less), 2-3 times a week.

2. Throw away your food journal. Actually, if you have a food journal feel free to burn it while chanting a victory song. On the surface, the concept of keeping a journal may seem like a good idea, but eventually it will make you feel like a slave.

3. Pay attention to each meal. Instead of micromanaging everything, simply make sure that each one of your meals is balanced. In other words, include a protein, fat, vegetable, and carbohydrate food item in each meal. This is all you have to do.

4. Don't practice calorie counting. Much worse than keeping a journal, because now you have become a full time accountant in addition to your other demands. The idea that a 3500 caloric deficit equals a pound of fat loss, is based on an outdated closed thermodynamic model. Forget about being a calorie counter and focus on general eating patterns instead.

5. Keep consuming your guilty pleasures. All you have to do here is reduce the size of your guilty pleasure and accompany it with a fibrous serving of vegetables. Do both of these and the negative impact of your guilty food will be greatly reduced, if not eliminated.

6. Don't have more than one serving of alcohol per day. Again, despite all the advice on this one, many of my female clients still drink way too much. Aside from a high caloric content, alcohol shuts down all your arm fat burning hormones. The good news is that the more you exercise, the less alcohol you need to achieve that "buzz" feeling.

Ok, now you have 6 tips to follow that should make learning how to lose arm fat that much easier. Be patient and change your eating style piecemeal, day by day. If you diet the dirty way, you'll end up crashing!

One more thing: expect to make mistakes. No one can diet perfectly for extended periods of time. The key here is to get right back on target as quickly as humanly possible.

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