
Samstag, 2. Januar 2010

A Look At Ways To Manage Blackheads Quickly And Effectively

By Jack Bennington

If you suffer from acne you know the problems that they can cause. They can be unsightly and uncomfortable and make you self conscious about your appearance. Whether they are whiteheads or blackheads, knowing how to properly care for them and get rid of them is something that many people are extremely interested in.

A blackhead and a whitehead are formed in exactly the same way. The pores get clogged by oils and sebum from the skin and bacteria begins to grow as well. They are often treated in much the same way since creams and lotions which are used to clear up whiteheads will work equally well on blackheads. Both are small raised bumps but where the center of the whitehead is light colored, a blackhead has a middle which is darker. It is usually black or yellow. This color difference is due to the fact that oxygen can come in contact with the accumulated oils in blackheads. The oxygen causes it to oxidize and turn dark.

Blackheads can be aggravating because they are often much more visible than whiteheads. People may also feel that because of their dark coloring, they look dirty or overly unattractive. They tend to form in certain areas of the body. One of the most common areas that blackheads form is around the nose. They may also appear on other areas of the body as well.

You may find it is much easier to squeeze the contents out of a blackhead than you would any other kind of pimple. This is mainly due to the opening at the top of the blemish. The opening at the top of a blackhead is much larger than the natural opening at the top of a whitehead. Often people think it is possible to clear up blackheads by squeezing them to work the contents out of the pore. This can clear them up but you may need to be careful.

If you do decide to pop or squeeze you blackheads, the number one thing that you need to remember is that you want to get the stuff inside out. You do not want to spread it into the tissues surrounding the blemish. There are special tools you can get that will exert even pressure around the pimple so that the contents are pushed out, not off to the side. This can prevent the bacteria, which often thrives in blackheads, from infecting the surrounding skin. You also need to make sure that you do not use tools which are not perfectly clean. Because you are creating or enlarging an opening in the skin, you can allow other bacteria in. This can result in a secondary infection, which is also not desirable.

You can also use pore cleansing strips that are designed specifically for blackheads. These use special chemicals which break down the contents of the blemish. They are also sticky, so that the plug inside the blackhead will stick to the strip. After it has rested on your skin for approximately ten or fifteen minutes, you then peel the strip off in order to pull the contents of the blemish up out of the pore. IT is this combination of adhesive and chemical treatment that can make them so effective at treating blackheads.

There are creams and cleansers that are designed to dissolve the contents of the blackheads. They work at reducing the level of oil that sits on the skin as well. This can help you clear up your pimples because oil is one of the major components of blackheads. There are a specific ingredients which can help clear up pimples in general. One is salicylic acid. This is a component in many different acne control products. Keep in mind that if you are older, salicylic acid may not be as effective and other active ingredients may be necessary.

There are also several oral medications which can help cure your acne breakouts. These can be quite powerful and because of this they are often used as a last resort. One of the most common side effects of some oral acne medications is extreme sun sensitivity. If you are on products such as retin-A creams or some pills, you may find your skin burns much more easily than it would if you were not on medication.

Blackheads are unsightly but they do not cause ill health. If you want to treat them it is essential to make sure you are doing it properly so that you can minimize scarring. Keep in mind that a good, balanced diet and a gentle skincare routine can be the best way to avoid developing blackheads in the first place.

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