
Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2009

Ideas On Starting A Get Fit Program

By Steve Roberts

The main reason people fail when starting a get fit program is they do not set daily goals and targets. Not having something to work towards results in failure to follow though with exercise plans and diet changes. However if you are looking to improve your health and well-being by starting a get fit program, then all you need to succeed is to have some simple thought out goals and targets. This is easier than you think. All that is required on your part is some planning.

When you are starting a get fit program, try to build these seven tips into your routine:

1. Decide to make diet changes and exercise daily considerations. Experts say over and over again that diet and exercise go hand in hand. This doesn't mean that you have to go on a restricted diet for the rest of your life. It simply means that you need to watch what you eat. Control your portions and limit your fat, sodium, cholesterol and sugar intake. In addition some form of exercise that you enjoy is ideal. Schedule this into your routine daily if possible, or at least three times per week.

2. Exercise when it suits you. Include your workout when it works for you. If you find getting up and exercising first thing in the morning works best for you then do that. Or if you prefer to fit your exercise in at lunchtime or when you get home at night then thats fine too!As long as it works for you then thats what is important. Make sure however, do not substitute exercising for a meal, if you choose to workout in the morning make sure you still eat a healthy breakfast. The same applies at lunchtime and dinner. Remember you must eat a healthy diet for the best results.

3. Think about having your fitness evaluated. Many gyms provide a free fitness evaluation service. When starting a get fit program this can help you to understand what areas you need to work on and make setting goals easier. Some gyms will even tailor a fitness program to your needs and there will normally be a personal trainer on site that can help you. This however may be unnecessary if you feel that you can keep yourself motivated and stick to your exercise plan.

4. Fitness activites can be fun. Whilst many people enjoy going to a local gym or taking part in a fitness class, you may find you enjoy other activities more. Try things like cycling, running, walking, dancing or hiking. These are all great ways to get fit but most importantly they are fun. Most of these can be done for free and others can join in too. Try out different activities to find out what suits you best and what you enjoy most.

5. Fill your cupboards with healthy foods and snacks. If you find you are tempted by unhealthy foods and snacks then ban them from your home. If they are not available you cannot be tempted. Instead stock up on fresh fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, yogurt, low fat cheeses, lean meats, whole grains and rice. Watching what you eat is the best way to get the most out of your fitness program. Also eating the wrong foods will make it harder to lose weight which may actually knock you off track and lower your motivation.

6. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water per day. We need to drink water in order to maintain proper bodily functions. As our bodies are mostly made up of water we need to regularly top up water levels to keep our bodies functioning at their best. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day helps to flush out toxins and improve metabolism. Try to stick to clean filtered water and avoid sugary sodas, juices and teas and coffee.

7. Interval Training Works Best. To lose weight the important thing is not how many calories you can burn per exercise, but how many calories you burn 24-7. And the most powerful fat burners you have are your muscles! So toss the notion of long bouts of cardio out the window. INTENSITY is the KEY to getting the most out of your cardio in the least amount of time. So structure your get fit program with this in mind, build it around energizing short burst intervals!

The above tips can be very helpful when starting a get fit program. Remember to make goals and stick to them, and to keep healthy food available at all times.

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