
Montag, 19. Oktober 2009

Scalp Hair Loss In Women Can Be Devastating

By Mike Jones

There are so many jokes about bald guys, but scalp hair loss in women is nothing to laugh about. It seems normal for a man to lose his hair but highly unnatural when a woman starts to lose it. For women, hair is a sign of beauty. It's something women fuss over, spending a lot of time and money to perfect.

In psychological studies regarding hair loss in both men and women, men felt concern and stress about their thinning hair, but women suffer extreme loss of self-esteem. A women's sense of self can be tied up in her hair and she can be sensitive to how she is perceived by others.

When men find that they're losing their hair, there's a vast network of hair restoration places, products and family to offer them support. A man's wife can pat her husband's hand and reassure him that he's still a real 'man'. But when a woman starts losing her hair, no one will joke about it or look for a silver lining. They don't have a support system. It's a cause for shame.

There are Hollywood role models and public figures that don't hide their baldness or admit to having any shame about hair loss. Hair loss in women, which can also be normal, is not discussed. It's swept under the carpet. There have been famous females with cancer, who have lost hair and perhaps shaved their heads or worn head scarves to hide patchy hair. However, there still remains a horrible lack of public awareness about hair loss in women.

There are treatments for women with hair loss - it just depends on the reasons for the loss in the first place. Women post-partum frequently lose their hair. It comes out in big handfuls in the shower, but usually once a baby is weaned, that hair will grow back. Hormone deficiencies such as hypothyroidism can be treated with medication. Follicle damage or hair damage due to over processing and tight ponytails or corn rows may be reversible and OCD conditions such as irrational hair plucking may be controlled, too.

These are preventable and treatable types of hair loss which can be upsetting but controllable. It's hair loss that can't be stopped that is particularly devastating. Alopecia, which is unexplainable, sometimes hereditary, that is sometimes irreversible. Hair loss or thinning because of the aging process can be upsetting as well.

Thanks to new advances in science, many women have begun to use hair products that are highly touted as preserving and in some cases, restoring hair. However, a dermatologist should still be consulted if hair loss seems more than temporary. A hair restoration specialist can make recommendations to help women reclaim one of their most beautiful assets.

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