The concept of holistic medicine is using natural methods, procedures and therapies to help heal the body as one unitary system. Holistic medicine has been practiced in many forms and in virtually all parts of the world. There is the concept of the medicine man, shaman or healer. In the absence of the scientific method, most medical treatments were practiced with a holistic or systems viewpoint.
These traditional practices have sprung up around the world with the development of different societies through time. A common theme running through them is the holistic viewpoint of healing the body. Many of these practices have been used for hundreds and hundreds of years. Western science is just beginning to get to the tip of the iceberg of traditional medicine.
Holistic medicine or alternative medicine is the use of more traditional practices of healing. Many of these traditional practices have a foundation of viewing the body as a complete system. The Western viewpoint of medicine is to keep taking things apart into smaller and smaller pieces. In a sense, holistic medicine is on the other side of the spectrum.
One of the top health problems in the United States is back pain. It is estimated that over $50 billion a year is spent on the treating and diagnosing of back related problems. Chiropractors have grown tremendously in this market for treating the spine. Insurance companies are now beginning to cover many of these chiropractic treatments.
The chiropractic industry originated in ancient Egypt. The techniques and traditions of chiropractic medicine have changed through time. However, the focus is on using natural treatments and therapies to restore the health of the back. Many techniques are used including traction, electrical stimulation and massage chair therapy.
Another popular form of alternative medicine using holistic techniques is massage therapy. Massage therapy uses certain movements and pressures to help soothe and relax the body. It has been found to be effective to relieve discomfort, pain, aches and muscle tension. There are a variety of massage techniques which have different benefits depending on the use.
The use of acupoints is another traditional medical practice originating in China. In ancient Chinese medicine acupoints were used to stimulate and restore health in the body. Two schools of practice evolved from the use of acupoints. One branch is acupressure and the other branch is acupuncture.
Acupressure is the use of stimulating the acupoints with pressure and movement. This helps to activate the acupoints which is believed to initiate the healing process in certain specific areas of the body. Acupuncture relies on the use of small needles directed at the acupoints. The needle is inserted to stimulate the acupoints and initiate the healing process.
Many of these treatments are now being combined into many chiropractic and medical environments. Just as globalization is making the world smaller, many medical and traditional treatments are being combined in successful ways. This is an important step of validation for many of these holistic methods.
The main disadvantage of these holistic practices is simply a lack of medical studies. Most medical studies are funded by companies hoping to profit from a beneficial treatment or drug. There simply isn't enough money to validate many of these treatments since there would be no clear owner of the process.
The age of the holistic medicine is just beginning to develop. The merging of both Western medical science and holistic treatments is a positive sign. Both of these branches can provide tremendous benefit to patients. Now, or of these traditional practices RBN offered as routine services and many health environments.
These traditional practices have sprung up around the world with the development of different societies through time. A common theme running through them is the holistic viewpoint of healing the body. Many of these practices have been used for hundreds and hundreds of years. Western science is just beginning to get to the tip of the iceberg of traditional medicine.
Holistic medicine or alternative medicine is the use of more traditional practices of healing. Many of these traditional practices have a foundation of viewing the body as a complete system. The Western viewpoint of medicine is to keep taking things apart into smaller and smaller pieces. In a sense, holistic medicine is on the other side of the spectrum.
One of the top health problems in the United States is back pain. It is estimated that over $50 billion a year is spent on the treating and diagnosing of back related problems. Chiropractors have grown tremendously in this market for treating the spine. Insurance companies are now beginning to cover many of these chiropractic treatments.
The chiropractic industry originated in ancient Egypt. The techniques and traditions of chiropractic medicine have changed through time. However, the focus is on using natural treatments and therapies to restore the health of the back. Many techniques are used including traction, electrical stimulation and massage chair therapy.
Another popular form of alternative medicine using holistic techniques is massage therapy. Massage therapy uses certain movements and pressures to help soothe and relax the body. It has been found to be effective to relieve discomfort, pain, aches and muscle tension. There are a variety of massage techniques which have different benefits depending on the use.
The use of acupoints is another traditional medical practice originating in China. In ancient Chinese medicine acupoints were used to stimulate and restore health in the body. Two schools of practice evolved from the use of acupoints. One branch is acupressure and the other branch is acupuncture.
Acupressure is the use of stimulating the acupoints with pressure and movement. This helps to activate the acupoints which is believed to initiate the healing process in certain specific areas of the body. Acupuncture relies on the use of small needles directed at the acupoints. The needle is inserted to stimulate the acupoints and initiate the healing process.
Many of these treatments are now being combined into many chiropractic and medical environments. Just as globalization is making the world smaller, many medical and traditional treatments are being combined in successful ways. This is an important step of validation for many of these holistic methods.
The main disadvantage of these holistic practices is simply a lack of medical studies. Most medical studies are funded by companies hoping to profit from a beneficial treatment or drug. There simply isn't enough money to validate many of these treatments since there would be no clear owner of the process.
The age of the holistic medicine is just beginning to develop. The merging of both Western medical science and holistic treatments is a positive sign. Both of these branches can provide tremendous benefit to patients. Now, or of these traditional practices RBN offered as routine services and many health environments.
About the Author:
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