
Sonntag, 8. November 2009

Breast Enhancement and Augmentation Procedures

By Andrew W Johns

There are many factors causing women to consider breast augmentation. There are women who do not like the size or shape of their breasts. This dislike can cause self esteem issues, leading to unhappiness. There are also women who choose implants due to a run in with breast cancer. Surviving breast cancer can leave a woman with portions or all of her breast or breasts changed. Implants are chosen for a number of reasons. More commonly than not, after an implant procedure, there is an emotional rise in the well being and appearance of the patients.

When a woman is first considering breast augmentation, careful thought should be given to what shape the woman wants her breast to be. Today, implants are offered in many different shapes, which allows the woman to choose a more natural look if that is what is wanted. To allow for more natural looking breasts, cost has increased, but the higher price is well worth the outcome.

Women considering breast augmentation should be aware different incision sites. There is the incision made where the breast meets the lower chest, which will leave a small scar that will be hidden. There is the incision made where the areola meets the skin of the breast. In this one, the implant will be inserted into a pocket. The last choice is a bit more work for the surgeon. It will be located in the armpit, which is further than where the implant will be stationed.

The patient must think carefully about how they want their breasts to look after the surgery is complete. The patient needs to ask themselves what shape do they want, a more curvy appearance, or a more streamlines look? To get the most out of the procedure, the patient needs to been honest with herself and the surgeon about what she truly wants.

Every body is different so the same implant will look different on every person. A plastic surgeon will be able to give invaluable advice while making this decision.

This all needs to be talked about with your doctor before having breast augmentation. After some research, you will be able to find the surgeon for your breast procedure. There are many qualified surgeons for the procedure to select from in the US.

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